
Why OOPS ?

It is introduced to represent objects in programming languages and further to achieve security and to communicate with other programming languages, such as C, C++, .NET,PHP, HTML, JAVA etc. Object oriented programming enables programmers define not only the data, but also its associated behaviors/functions that can be applied to the data. It also enables programmers to create relationships between one object and another. For example, objects can inherit characteristics from other objects.To understand the importance of OOP we need to first understand the problem with procedural/structural programming practices. 

Procedural programming was suitable for small projects. But as the program grew in size, along with it grew the maintenance nightmare. Also, since the modules were tightly integrated changes in one part of the module inadvertently breaks the other part. Team development was not truly achievable.The next big problem with procedural programming was with respect to re-usability. It was very difficult to write truly reusable code, with minimum maintenance.So why OOP? OOPs facilitates code reuse, team-development, eliminate redundant code,easy management of software complexity etc. 

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